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  Yes, it is too hot for slow riding and, yes, that rider in front of you is too slow
There are days, or better, there are hours when everything seems to click at perfection, when happiness is just here,
from Hakan Erman originally published in 2019 and re-edited in November 2023 for https://medium.com/@volpara/get-set-for-the-longest-ride-3b21ccaf1d42 Once upon a time, if you needed
"So, you've finished your introductory training in the single-engine, prop-driven plane which you have only ever flown in perfect weather
Posted by Hakan Erman If  "what's the price of your bike?" and "how fast it goes?" are the most frequent
From Latin “bi-lanx”, a scale with two pans, the word “balance” plays important role in life, in nature and in
I rarely buy motorcycle magazines but... I was flying and I had  local coins left in my pockets and three
Do not go back to basic. Think forward Bikers, like wolves, live in pack and, like ancient hero, like to
posted by Paolo Volpara I like two wheels. With engine and with pedals. I like bicycling and it is one
posted by Paolo Volpara Moved out of the big City and set my home on farm land where biking (on
Over the last months I became aware of a certain reluctance from my side to share events related to motorcycling:
posted by Paolo Volpara The original quote from Honore’ de Balzac “Le Père Goriot (1834)” was well articulated: “Le secret
posted by Aylin Ozturk We hear the word “expert” excessively these days; it seems that everyone’s an expert on something.
At www.brianharke.com you can read that "being present is one of the greatest skill sets you can master. If you