I thought that a little humor can lift our spirit in time where the bikes are on the central stand and the desire to ride burn inside. Stay home and stay safe and share this small piece published first in September 2019. (Paolo Volpara)

Here you have 10 IRREFUTABLE PROVES THAT SPEED IS GOOD and that at 245KpH even a straight motorway can be fun. (only joking… do not share these opinions at home and do not speed over 200 KpH )

1 If you were faster you would not have been there when the accident happened.

2. If you were faster police would have been still setting the radar when you passed by.

3. If you were faster the deer would have crossed the road after you

4. If you were faster you would have not fallen asleep.

5. If you were faster you would have arrived before sunset.

6. If you were faster you would have been cooler (summer version)… you would have been drier (3 seasons version).

7. If you were faster you would have had more time with your loved ones.

8. If you were faster you would have been boasting all night with friends.

9.If you were faster you would have been invisible. 

10. If you were faster you would have had more fun… biking does not add days to your life but it had life to your days.

By Paolo Volpara

"Si sta come d'autunno sugli alberi le foglie"

2 thoughts on “Speed and FUN”
  1. From a old BMF [ British Motorcyclist Federation ] instructor – ” No such thing as boring roads , only boring riders”.
    “Go faster , your clear the the rain off your visor.” [source taking a Vow of Silence]
    “If they ever bring 20 mph limits to London . I’ll move to Turkey ” . Umm , who woz that ?

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