Reality always wins.
By Andy Goldfine I sent the essay of Bruce Haedich to Andy Goldfine great thinker and creator of the…
Ideas from motorcycling to life
By Andy Goldfine I sent the essay of Bruce Haedich to Andy Goldfine great thinker and creator of the…
Ted Simon, one of the great writers-on-bike and contributor to a better understanding of our planet, sent out a call…
The last portion of this blog name “Thinkingomm” stays for “One More Mile” as a commitment to push our process…
Considerations on the lightness of life and the balance on biking with contribution from Andy Goldfine Parallel rides: lateral thinking…
“Good to see that you had a good ride yesterday but I did not like some of your choices in…
We want our life to go back, now, getting back to “normality” Give back traffic to the cities Give back…
From a good friend and companion of rides I received a challenging article of psychotherapist Ms. Claire van den Bosch…
I was ready to sneak out: to ignore the prohibition for +65 to go out of the home environment, to…
From Paolo Volpara Thinking One More Mile It is a strange situation: communication tools and opportunities grow exponentially and exponentially…